Eugene STRASSER, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.A.

“Is beauty really in the eyes
of the beholder?”
Beauty may be different things to different people but we can all agree beauty evokes a pleasant feeling in all of us. The effects of plastic surgery can be life altering. We all have great potential at birth. If nature was less than kind,
Dr.Strasser and his staff can offer you the help you desire. Plastic surgery
is the ultimate in self-grooming. Being your best through your own efforts and
at times with the help of your plastic surgeon not only makes you look and feel better, but it has a profound benefit on the ONLY life you have. So, choose your surgery and your plastic surgeon wisely because the goal is to enhance and
not to change who you are. Guided by the scientific knowledge of anatomy an physiology the magical outcomes take shape under the talented hands of
a caring plastic surgeon. With over 35 years of experience, Board Certified by
the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Strasser will be there to help you achieve your desired goals.